Service of Process

What is Process Service?
At some point, almost every lawsuit requires the delivery of a set of court documents to formally notify all parties as proceedings are carried out. You will need to find a knowledgeable, skilled, and effective process server for the delivery of those documents. As a private company with three decades of experience, we thrive on offering successful service at priority speeds along with automatically filing your proof of service with the court. For Attorneys Subpoena Service, we charge less for more.
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Summons, Complaints, Mortgage Foreclosures
A summons (both State and Federal) is one of the most common documents that we serve. In most cases, it is a formal notification that a case has been initiated or is continuing against a current party. Complaints are typically attached to a summons which further elaborates the context of the case and the subject of the proceedings.
A subpoena is an order to officially compel testimony or produce evidence. As with summonses, we serve both State and Federal subpoenas that have been either issued by the court or by an attorney.
Dissolutions of Marriage
Unfortunately, there are times when services can be contentious, such as divorce proceedings. For these, we try to offer as much care as we can to a sensitive situation and make a service as easy as possible for all parties.
We serve both kinds of evictions, which are either postable evictions (single count complaints) or non-postable evictions typically looking for damages (multiple count complaints)
Writs of Garnishment and Replevin
A Writ of Garnishment is an order requiring a third-party (typically a bank) to withhold some asset of the defendant’s. A Writ of Replevin is a prejudgement process ordering the seizure of an asset. These are considered non-enforceable process and we DO serve these two types of Writs. To be clear, as Certified Process Servers we are only permitted to serve non-enforceable process. Enforceable process, such as other types of Writs, are reserved for the Sheriff’s Department alone.
Diligent searches & Skip traces
For those times we cannot locate the defendant at the intended address provided, we have access to an array of tools to run a skip trace that will help locate their most recent address and/or contact information.
Notary Services & Court Filings
We offer notary services for your documents as well as complimentary filings with the court.